Meet the new Google sign-in page

Google is still Google, even if it has a more horizontal look.

Google has revealed the “more contemporary look and feel” for its new sign-in screen.

If that screenshot looks familiar, it’s probably because the majority of the features are the same. The sign-in process is the same as before, but it’s been given a Material Design update that aligns the steps horizontally, so they work on many different screen sizes, such as those found in a Pixel Fold, or on a Pixel Tablet.

Old and new sign-in pages. Image Google
Old and new sign-in pages. Image Google

Google hasn’t gone completely password less yet. It will still ask users for their passwords or passkeys.

This change is less controversial in general than some of Google’s other changes, such as the redesign of Gmail, or all the products that it has abandoned. explains on their FAQ page that is a mandatory change. The “gradual” transition, which begins today, February 21, and will be completed on March 4, 2024, is not under the control of Workspace admins or users with Google accounts. You’ll only see the old login screen if you are using an older web browser.

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