Tibet Airlines signs a deal with COMAC to look into a C919 version that works well on plateaus.

  • Tibet Airlines and the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) agreed on Sunday to work together on researching a version of China’s narrow-body C919 jet that can fly over high plateaus.
  • According to a statement on Tibet Airlines’ WeChat account, the vice-chairman of the Tibet area, Wei Xiuchang, said that the deal would help build passenger jets in China and protect national security and border stability.
  • There was no time frame given for making the new version.
  • Chinese media say that COMAC, which is backed by the government, recently showed off two versions of the C919 at an air show in Shanghai: a longer model that can fit plateaus and a shorter model that can fit longer ones.
  • People say that the C919 can compete with the single-aisle jet lines made by Airbus (AIR.PA) and Boeing (BA.N).

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