Canada’s Trudeau sees shift in India ties after US plot revealed -CBC

  • WASHINGTON, Dec 20 (Reuters) – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he feels a change in India’s tone with Ottawa after the United States warned New Delhi about its participation in a thwarted plot to kill a Sikh separatist leader on U.S. soil, the CBC reported on Wednesday.
  • “I think there is a beginning of an understanding that they can’t bluster their way through this and there is an openness to collaborating in a way that perhaps they were less open before,” Trudeau said in an interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.
  • New Dehli had angrily rejected Canada’s claim, sparking a diplomatic row, with both sides expelling officials and trade talks possibly destabilized. By comparison, India said it was taking the U.S. indictment seriously and investigating.
  • Both the United States and Canada are looking to build better ties with India to counter Chinese influence in the Indo-Pacific region.
  • “We don’t want to be in a situation of having a fight with India right now over this. We want to be working on that trade deal. We want to be promoting the Indo-Pacific strategy,” Trudeau told the CBC.
  • “But it is essential for Canada to stand up for people’s rights, for people’s safety, and for the rule of law. And that’s what we’re going to do,” Trudeau said.

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