After three seasons on Disney Plus, Din Djarin and his adorable protege are going to the big screen. Today, Lucasfilm revealed that a movie based on The Mandalorian was in the works, with production starting in 2024 and series creator Jon Favreau as director. Favreau will also be working as producer alongside Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy and Star Wars mainstay Dave Filoni. The film is called, appropriately, The Mandalorian & Grogu.
That’s about all we have to go on right now. There are no details on when the movie will take place or any hints at a story. In a statement, Kennedy said simply that “this new story is a perfect fit for the big screen.” Here’s a piece of teaser art to get your Star Wars feelings flowing:
The Mandalorian just wrapped up its third season last year and has been one of the Star Wars universe’s most steady vehicles of late. With the franchise’s theatrical output seemingly in a constant state of change — last year three new features were announced — going to the tried-and-true formula of Mando and Baby Yoda makes a lot of sense.
As part of the movie’s announcement, Lucasfilm also announced that season 2 of Ahsoka — whose lead character made her live-action debut in The Mandalorian — is in the works, with Filoni helming the